Baton Rouge RC Club Newsletter – April 2005

PRESIDENT – Bob McMillan
VICE PRESIDENT – Charlie Dedon
SECRETARY – Willard Beard
EDITOR – Jimmy Lyon – Tel. (225) 753-4637 ([email protected])

NOTICE – The next meeting of the BR RC Club will be Tuesday, April 5th at the Greenwell Springs Road Library at 7:00 PM


Bob asked the Secretary to read the minutes from our February meeting.  The minutes were read and approved by all members present. Bob then asked the Treasurer for a current report on our financial situation. B. C. reported that we have 52 paid members as of this date.  His report was accepted by all members present.

Blackie was then asked for a field committee report.  He said the grass has been too wet to cut.  The field was in good condition.  Blackie advised and requested everyone to take his or her trash home with him or her.  It is being allowed to blow around, making the field look bad.  He also said he isn’t your mother so clean up after yourself.

Mike was asked for a safety report.  He told us about a near miss that occurred the other day.  He said that a less experienced pilot was having trouble landing a dead stick and asked for help.  The problem was that he was using a transmitter tray and couldn’t easily hand over the transmitter to the person helping him.  As a result, the plane hit one of the posts holding up the shed behind the chain link fence.  There were several people in the immediate area that could have been hit.

Mike also made a motion that we make a ground rule that new and beginning pilots must use a buddy box when other people are present.  The motion was discussed at length and was passed with mixed feelings of the members present.  Mike will write up the rule and present it at out next meeting.  He commented that we should not take planes off using the taxiways.  This was discussed at length and it was decided that it was all right to do it if no one was outside of the pit area.  If a pilot is in the pilot box or runway area, it is strictly prohibited.

A motion was made that we do not require our intro pilots to use a buddy box when giving a flight demonstration.  This rule passed.


B. C. reported that we still have 8 of our 2004 members that still have not paid their 2005 dues.  Each has been contacted.  One indicated that he is not planning to rejoin.

Vic notified us that he still has 2 club hats available for $12 each.

Mike talked about the Big Bird scheduled for May 14, 2005.  He said that he talked with the safety officer at AMA.  They indicated that they felt the use of safety inspectors at events was necessary.  They did not support the use of a checklist completed by the pilot/owner of the plane(s) entered.  Our volunteer safety inspectors for the Big Bird are:  George Sexton, Vic Jines, Windom Phillips, and A. J. Lanoux.

Mike asked for volunteers for all of the positions we had last year.  The following agreed to handle the following tasks:

Registration  B. C. Kistler
Concession   Willard Beard & Bob McMillan
Greeting and welcome  Bob McMillan
Sound system  Bob McMillan
Friday night meal
Flight Line Control

Other positions:

Saturday Coffee & donuts  Lee Boutwell & Glenn Gresens
Jambalaya lunch  Blackie Lejeune
Frequency monitoring  Jimmy Lyon

It was also suggested that we provide a start up position near the runway for pilots to start their planes.  We will have plane stakes available for them to use.

Willard discussed the agenda for the upcoming Family day scheduled for March 19.  We will have air races, balloon pop, air combat, and the landing circle challenge.


We had one person apply for membership.   Brian Singleton applied and was accepted by all members present.  Welcome Brian.

Blackie brought up the fact that our lawn mowers are in poor condition.  He suggested that we consider purchasing a new one and just happened to have one in mind.  He said it cost about $3600 plus tax.  He agreed to look around and see what is available and will come back with detailed information on his recommendation.

It was determined that we had enough fun for one night and a motion was made to adjourn at 8:11 PM.

Family Day Fly-in This Saturday March 19